Easy Excel

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Easy Excel enables tabbed browsing for MS Excel. You can open a new document in a new tab in the current window. If you want to open new document in a new window, just click the tabs button to.

  • Section: Excel Basics Tutorial: Excel Made Easy Excel Made Easy - A Beginner's Guide. In this tutorial, you'll learn about workbooks and the different parts of an Excel worksheet (spreadsheet), such as rows, columns, and cells. We'll discuss how to insert rows and columns,.
  • In Microsoft Excel 2007 and Excel 2010, it's as easy as creating a table. In earlier versions, you'll need the formula method. How to use Excel's find feature to highlight or delete matching values.
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Discover how functions in Excel help you save time. If you are new to functions in Excel, we recommend you to read our introduction to Formulas and Functions first.

1 Count and Sum: The most used functions in Excel are the functions that count and sum. You can count and sum based on one criteria or multiple criteria.

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Easy Excel Find

2 Logical: Learn how to use Excel's logical functions, such as IF, AND, OR and NOT.

3 Cell References: Cell references in Excel are very important. Understand the difference between relative, absolute and mixed reference, and you are on your way to success.

4 Date & Time: To enter a date, use the '/' or '-' characters. To enter a time, use the ':' (colon).

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5 Text: Excel has many functions to offer when it comes to manipulating text strings.

6 Lookup & Reference: Learn all about Excel's lookup & reference functions, such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, INDEX and CHOOSE.

Easy Excel

7 Financial: This chapter illustrates Excel's most popular financial functions.

8 Statistical: An overview of some very useful statistical functions in Excel.

9 Round: This chapter illustrates three functions to round numbers in Excel. ROUND, ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN.

10 Formula Errors: This chapter teaches you how to deal with some common formula errors.

11 Array Formulas: This chapter helps you understand array formulas in Excel. Single cell array formulas perform multiple calculations in one cell.