Catalina In Virtualbox

VirtualBox 6.1.2 will not run Catalina 10.15.2 and later guests Virtualbox 6.1.0 added support for booting APFS. Unfortunately there is a problem if you do not have 10.15.1 version of Install macOS There is a bug in VirtualBox which is exposed by 10.15.2 and later versions of boot.efi. I am thinking that VIrtual Box is not playing nice with Mac Catalina. You need to be able to give access for sound and microphone and such via the security/privacy panel, but VIrtual BOx never requests it and so your sound doesn't work. At least, it needs to request microphone access, and never does. VirtualBox will then open the VMware Fusion VM. It is a bit of a PITA but the trick is using Fusion as a stepping stone to VirtualBox via an HFS+ bootable drive image. I don't think this will work with Catalina as the guest VM. That pretty much requires APFS and Mojave.

  1. MacOS 11 Catalina Recovery Mode.I show you how to go to MacOS Recovery Mode and Select Boot Disk.Mac runs on VirtualBox 6.1 and cannot boot after I relocate.
  2. Extract the macOS Catalina Virtual Image. When you first get the Virtual Image it will be in what is.
thank you for providing VirtualBox on MacOs.Catalina virtualbox install failed

Catalina Virtualbox Image

I have installed VirtualBox 6.1.2 on the latest MacOs Catalina, on a 2018 Mac Mini. Inside Windows 10 x64 is running with the guest additions installed.
CatalinaUnfortunately the sound is not working. Windows seems to play sounds but I can not hear them. Furthermore, all Mac applications are also silenced until I shut down the VM.
I have read that quite a few other people have this or a similar problem. You recommended to 'simplify' the sound setup. But I don't see anything special about my setup, I have external speakers plugged into the mac, enabled this in the system settings - that's it. The VirtualBox sound settings are unchanged from default.

Virtualbox For Macos Catalina

Could you help me with this problem and guide me through debugging this problem if needed? I am quite new to MacOs.

Osx Catalina In Virtualbox

Thank you and Regards.